Culture of Caring

Image of female teacher and students at a computer

You Might be a Lifesaver

If you work in schools as a teacher or any other position where you regularly spend time with students, you could be a life saver.

Schools are a key setting for suicide prevention. Teachers, mental health providers, and all other school personnel who interact with students can play an important role in keeping them safe. 

Why Address Suicide Prevention 

  • Maintaining a safe school environment is part of your school's overall mission. 
  • Students' mental health can affect how well they perform in school. 
  • Suicide can affect the entire school community. 

How Schools Can Take Action 

The best way to prevent suicide is to use a comprehensive approach that includes these key components: 


From the SPRC – Suicide Prevention Resource Center:

Image of A Culture of Caring Tiny Book Cover Suicide Prevention Guide for Schools (K-12) A Culture of Caring: A Suicide Prevention Guide for Schools (K-12) was created as a resource for educators who want to know how to get started and what steps to take to create a suicide prevention plan that will work for their schools and districts. It is written from my perspective as a school principal and survivor of suicide loss, not an expert in psychology or counseling. I hope that any teacher, school counselor, psychologist, principal, or district administrator can pick up this book, flip to a chapter, and easily find helpful answers to the questions they are likely to have about what schools can do to prevent suicide.

Image of Theodora Schiro - Suicide Prevention Activist

Theodora Schiro